Racquet Network offers racquet stringing services in our southwest Calgary racquet store:
- all badminton racquet stringing
- high tension badminton racquet stringing
- discount badminton racquet stringing
- custom badminton racquet stringing
Discount badminton racquet stringing is inexpensive (starting at $20 for string and labour) but comes with limited options. This is recommended for players who just want some string in their racquet. They do not expect their string bed to contribute to their performance.
Custom badminton racquet stringing costs more but it allows players to customize their string bed to enhance their performance. Custom stringing offers a full range of options, including string, colour, tension and turnaround. It comes with a two week warranty and a satisfaction guarantee. Custom turnaround options include:
- String While You Wait
- Just the Basics
- Basics Plus Options
- Stringing for Children and Teens
- Dato Method – High Tension Stringing
- Custom – No Rush
- Custom – 1 Day Guaranteed
- Custom – 1 Hour Guaranteed
- Free 1 Hour Upgrade for Loyal Badminton Customers
Discount Badminton Racquet Stringing
Players who want discount badminton racquet stringing have two options. They can pre-order online through our website, which is the cheapest option. Or they can bring their racquet into our store any weekend evening between 5:00 and 8:00pm, which is the fastest discount option.
Custom Badminton Racquet Stringing Benefits
In addition to faster turnaround options, players who choose custom badminton racquet stringing also get the following benefits
- two week warranty on labour
- satisfaction guarantee
- email notification when racquets are ready
- early pickup is permitted
- choose your tension
- choose your string colour
- choose your string gauge
- choose your string brand
- free frame cleaning included
- free minor grommet repairs included
- sponsorship credits can raise funds for player’s home club
- stringing notes permanently kept on file
High Tension Badminton Racquet Stringing
Racquet Network also offers Dato Method high tension badminton racquet stringing that can go as high as 40 lbs.
Custom Badminton Racquet String Selection
Racquet Network offers Calgary largest selection of badminton string for custom badminton racquet stringing. Customers may choose from the following categories.
Natural Gut (biodegradable)
Sythetic Gut (inexpensive)
Monofilament (inexpensive and durable)
Mutifilament (best choice for recreational players)
Polyester (best choice for professionals)
Kevlar (best choice for professionals)
Hybrids (popular choice for hard hitters)
Racquet Network carries only the best string brands. We carry many gauges and colours.
Fast and convenient racquet service starting at just $20.00. Two-week warranty.
1. Choose options
2. Place order
3. Drop it off or ship it to us
- How does Badminton Racquet Tension Impact String Performance?
- What You Get for Your Money
- How Tight Should I String My Badminton Racquet?
- Questions to Ask Yourself About String
- Most Common Stringing Mistakes
- 3 Ways Discount Stringers Cut Corners
- 3 Ways to Extend String Life
- Natural Gut for Squash & Badminton
- How Long Should Badminton Strings Last?
- Badminton Racquet Tension Trade-Offs